Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Trivia Question:

What could this word be?


Kaleb has this written down as one of his spelling words. Obviously, it is incorrect. I don't have a clue to what it really could be. Please leave your best educated guess and I will let you know tomorrow when he gets home from school (that is, if he remembers to look and correct it:)


Rochelle said...


Susie said...
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Susie said...

Guage? I don't suppose he would be learning gulag. Nah.

Autumn said...

I'm thinking Giant...I have no idea because Easton has forgotten to bring his spelling words home all week. I told him if he walks in without them today he is grounded...we shall see!

Cami said...

glasses! ha! I have no idea and that is hilarious!

Candis Ellis said...

seriously that is not even in my dictionary!! I think it is the spelled out sound a teenage girl makes when she is like "giahg right, mom!"