Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Our Grandpa is FREE!!

Our Grandpa Mike got out of the hospital on Wednesday. He had to stay at a motel up in Salt Lake City for two nights before he was "released" to come down to Lehi to re-coup at our house. We are soooo happy to have him here! He is looking better every day! We are so grateful for modern medicine and the great doctors that have helped him!


Rochelle said...

YAY! Congrats Mike, I bet it's so nice! I hope you continue to do well!

Autumn said...

When I read the title on Google Reader...I was like...she's ALREADY trying to get rid of him!! He He!! So glad he's out and feeling better! Everyday he improves!

Susie said...


Teri said...

He looks so great! I hope he's feeling as well as he looks. Is that the blanky you were talking about? I drove by your house last night on my way home from Albies and I almost yelled out the window "HI BONNIE!" just to see if you heard anything, but I didn't want to wake up your neighbors and cuss you for being so cool that you have crazy friends.