Monday, August 25, 2008

AHHHH! I Got A Job!

Okay, you know when you are in the middle of a "million" things and you think you get a bright idea?? I had one of those today. Today was Garet's first day of kindergarten, so I took him to school. Then, Kaleb got his braces taken off at 9:00am. I took him to that, took him to the dollar store to get a prize and drove him to school. After I checked him in, I pulled my car around to drive out of the school and got the bright idea to sign up to be a substitute teacher. I went in, filled out the paper work and got asked: "Would you like to start today?" I was so grateful that I was actually showered and presentable for the occasion! So, lucky little me got to substitute a class of fifth graders. The class consisted of 13 rambunctious boys and 2 girls. WOW!
I got to teach a Social Studies lesson on the first 8 presidents of America. Did you know that George Washington wasn't the actual first??? Yep, that's right...there were 8 before him. John Hanson was actually the first president of America under the Articles of the Confederation.

John Hanson did some pretty great things as our first president. Here are the five we talked about: 1. He made up the presidential seal that is still used today. 2. He started the Treasury Department. 3. He appointed the first Secretary of Defence. 4. He started the department of Foreign Affairs. 5. He started the official celebration of Thanksgiving as the fourth Thursday in November. Pretty Cool, huh??

I guess maybe now's the time that I go back to school and actually learn some history instead of just memorizing it for tests and forgetting as soon as I've Aced the test... Don't worry, I still have a "million" things left to do in my day: Homework with kids, clean house some, laundry, make dinner, go running, eventually post Kaleb's braces and Garet's first day....just to name a few!


Candis Ellis said...

You are so fun! Crazy maybe... :) That is so cool that you did that. I will now refer to you solely as Mrs. Halliday. More garage sale money, yeah!!

Rochelle said...

That is random, hmm maybe I'll be a sub...okay! That is so cool that it just fell into place! I am thrilled for you, have fun!

Cami said...

I actually DID know that little fact... only because Emily was in the Liberty Bowl last year and she learned that and told me! Cool job though! Good luck!

Christina said...

You crack me up! I hope you enjoy your new job. It is nice and flexible- a definite perk about subbing!

Autumn said...

Can't wait to share sloppy joes!

Susie said...

Are you nuts?
And where was Maddie during all of this? Have you found some magical place to dump 2 year olds for the day? Because if you have, you need to share!
I thought I was going to have to be a sub in Missouri. I was terrified that it would just be mass babysitting. I hope it wasn't like that for you!

Bonnie said...

Sus, Jeff's parents are at my house for the next couple of months while he recovers from his transplant. I wish there was a place that you could dump 2-year-olds off at!! I actually had fun subbing. The teacher was really organized, so it was a breeze. I can only imagine how bad it can be, though....

Noelle said...

Wow! I can't even imagine teaching history. I would fail for sure. Good for you!

Heats said...

oops that was my comment. I was using Noelle's computer and she actually is smart in history. ha ha.