Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Maddie is 25 months...and we are tired.....

I've always heard of the "terrible two's," but I've never really had to fear them before now. Here are some of the neat-o things Maddie finds to do:

~She likes to change her clothes and wear them how she wants to wear them...not necessarily how they were intended to be worn: ie. shoes on wrong foot, backwards, inside-out, etc.
~She likes to do things by herself....she's a big girl. This morning I had to wait 10 minutes to help her put on her shoes because she HAD to put on her socks.
~If she has a wet or stinky diaper, she takes it upon herself to remedy the situation. Sometimes not a pretty result!! I usually find her morning diaper in her big girl bed and she runs around commando until after breakfast....amazingly she hasn't had an accident yet. (So NOT potty training....that is unless you would like to take care of it for me:)
~ She has discovered Ranch in the last couple of weeks. Tonight I put some on the top of her food and she actually ate what we had for dinner.
~ She is bossy and is not shy about telling you (or yelling) how she feels.
~ Her vocabulary is drastically expanding every day. I am amazed!
~ She still loves "La-La" (Elmo) and "Poo-Poo's" (Blue's Clues).
~ She loves to dance and sing...we are constantly expanding her "happy songs" from just "Girls!"
~ She loves to color....papers, walls, floors, counter tops, hands, legs, and feet....
~ She loves to play outside. This week she has discovered puddles....
~ She is sensitive. I am amazed how easy her feelings are different from the boys...
~ She loves to "help" cook. She pushes a stool right up to the stove so she can watch. She also warns you the whole time that it is "so hot."
~ She loves to go get the boys or "tell" them something for me.
~ She loves having "Ooom-pah" (Grandpa) and "Ooom-mah" (Grandma) stay at our house. She always says "hi" and "bye" to them as they come and go.
~ She constantly looks like she has been abused. Just today, she has a road rash and scratches up both legs, a healing burn, and a goose egg and scratch on her left temple.
~ She is still getting her incisors. She is a tough girl! Her pediatrician said that they are the most painful teeth to get in when the teeth on both sides are already in.
~ She loves to copy me. She has to put lotion and deoderant on when I do. She loves my make-up, but it is no longer where she can get to it.
~ She likes to wear my heeled sandals. She has totally mastered walking around in one pair.
~ She LOVES to jump on the bed....
Somedays she can be completely exhausting, but then she'll smile or giggle and I'm ready to go again!


Rochelle said...

Thatcher is almost 4 and I think he is still a terrible 2! Good luck!

Autumn said...

I love that Beastie!! Finally glad to see you have a normal 2 yr old. Although I do remember something similar with Garet but the opposite. Remember when he would sit by the door and scream and cry because he wanted you to dress him and put his shoes on...oh wait that was not really that long ago! :) HE HE HE HE! One independant child is all one needs!

Cami said...

Heidi is in the middle of her 2's as well. I don't know if they are terrible, but she does throw you one sometimes. Plus, I don't think it only stays in the 2's anyway....try 5,7,9,11 etc. She's a cutie though! Hang in there, it only gets better!

Susie said...

Amen to the two-year olds! I guess Zach is 28 months, and gets into lots more trouble than Jared did!
Maddie looks just like you, if you hadn't noticed...