Saturday, February 23, 2008

Terrible Two's......MY FOOT!!

Today, I left my family for a couple of hours and went shopping. As I was waiting in the drive-thru line at Wendy's, I noticed a mom carrying her six-month-old daughter out on her hip. I noticed that the baby was happy and carefree.....quite unlike our dear little 19 month old!! We have been very lucky to have two out of three very happy babies......Unfortunately, something seems to posess them around 18 months. (I read once that it is their inability to communicate at this point.) We have tantrum after tantrum after tantrum..... Maddie gets mad if someone else is eating something that looks different than hers ... she gets mad if I take my make-up away from her ... she gets mad if I try to take her bottle away after she has poked her nipple in not once, but twice in one day and caused floods in her bed ... she gets mad at the dog if he takes something from her that she has been trying to give him ... she gets mad if we take her out of the pantry and shut the door('No one' always leaves it open.....'no one' is a big rant for another day) ... she gets mad when we take her down from her high chair because she is throwing her food on the ground ... and then she gets mad that I won't let her take some of her food down with her to walk around the house with .... etc .... etc. I miss my sweet little baby girl!! She still comes out in little spurts, but we really wish she would stay around more permanently!! My boys were usually better around two years old, so I am really counting down here. Are girls about the same?? If not, I don't think I want the answer.....


Rochelle said...

Oh Bonnie, how I love little girls! And no I don't think it gets better until she's 30 and realizes how great and all knowing you are!
Your post reminded me of "Your a grumpy little elf"

Autumn said...

She is a beastie little thing! But...oh how we love her!! P.S. I think it is the youngest child syndrome...Jace was acting just like this today!

Heats said...

There is nothing like a little stinker! That make me laugh - She is sure cute though.