Friday, July 18, 2008


Here's a little game! I like games....who doesn't? Leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time, or a long time, anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Ready, Set, GO!


Candis Ellis said...

Okay, I have one... Who can forget the "how much does my bum jiggle when I run" comment from Wednesday? Yea, Bonnie, that is a "not at all" response :) I am too afraid to ask people for memories of I'll just have to play this one-sided.

Susie said...

Oh gee! How many of those do we have? Ten quabillion? Umm...well, I was laughing the other day about the night we met Jeff. How we went to that dumb dance with our stinky permed hair, how obvious the guys were by ditching Jeff 5 minutes before the dance ended, and even worse, how I made Jeff sit in the back seat when we drove him home. I think you did give him a fake number, didn't you? We were all a little creeped out. Of course we shouldn't have been.
Oh, and do you remember "Pooter," the kitten that wandered into our apartment and pooped under my bed? He looked just like my cat at home.
Remember when Brother John would call and talk to you about me, even though I was in the same room with you? And going to Disneyland with him before he left on his mission? And when he had his long-haired, bearded friend pretend to be Jesus outside our dorm window?
Thanks for the walk down memory lane!

Rochelle said...

This is a recent memory, but I giggle about it often! I talked to you on the phone for a good 30 minutes before I realized it was you and not Autumn and then I was so unsure if you were really Autumn and just messing with me! I realized it was you and enjoyed the visit!

Cami said...

Well, mine happened not too long ago, actually. We were at your house for a Mary Kay, aka prostitute, makeover! I loved the dark eyeliner, the racey eye shadow, and va-va-voom lipstick. It was still fun though, and I loved coming over. Way fun to see the pics on your blog too. Let's do something again soon!

Autumn said...

How can I possibly narrow this down??...okay first...I remember the first time I met you, cast, cuts, bruises, eyebrows and all! :) I remember you guys staying with us RIGHT after you got married in our tiny little apartment! :) One of my favorites is the lady at the tanning salon thinking you were my mom, and last but not least of course I can't leave out your famous yoga 'gassy' moments. I could go on and on. Thanks for the memories, all of the good times, and the laughs over the years! Love you!

Jacci said...

I remember when you came to stay at my house when I lived at my grandmas and you told me that you were pregnant! I was so excited for you! I also remember you coming over once a week to clean my house! you saved me!! thank you so much! you also make the best peach pie in the whole world!!!!! love you!