Thursday, July 24, 2008

So, Yesterday I Turned 31....

I decided it was a good time to re-evaluate my life and decide on some new goals for my "new year":

1. Be on time for Church from now on.... I really don't understand what my problem is. I can usually be on time for most things but I slack when it comes to Church. I expect everyone to harass me and make me accountable for this....
2. Go to bed early...rise NOT return to bed.
3. Drink more water, less soda. I think I am averaging a 2 liter of Diet Caffeine-free Coke a day...need to do better. Water is a lot cheaper!
4. Have Family Home Evening every week. I have been pretty good about doing "something" every Monday night with the kids, but we don't start formally: song, prayer, lesson, etc.
5. Start organizing mountains of old pictures and stuff for scrap booking. I want to catch up on scrap booking to where I started blogging. I figure the blog is a good family record for us...but, I know my kids are missing out because they only have Kaleb's baby books finished to look at...not to mention that I have forgotten a lot of the cute, funny things that they did at different ages.
6. Continue to practice healthy behaviors: exercising, cooking balanced meals, shopping with "health" in mind...
7. Now that a new school year is right around the corner and I have two children going this year, I want to be able to focus an hour with my children after school to talk about school, upcoming school activities, problems at school, homework, etc. I usually do good for the first couple of weeks and then I slack off. I am going to start planning on preparing dinner during this hour, so we will all be in the kitchen at the same time....
8. Be positive and supportive. Negativity never helps a situation....
9. Run a marathon....okay, so maybe it will only be a 5K with my great friends. But, maybe we will all get ambitious....or not.
10. Continue going to the temple often. Okay, confession time: I have gone to the temple more this calendar year than I have probably gone in the last 3 years combined. I am learning more and I feel a special connection to "those that have gone before." Besides, I know that I need all of the help that I can get sometimes!!

Wish me luck! Thanks for all of you great friends and family out there that help me achieve these and other goals!! I couldn't do it without you!


Autumn said...

Happy birthday yesterday! xoxo Having birthday goals and New Years resolutions both is just being an over achiever! Psh!

Candis Ellis said...

Seriously, what awesome goals! They are making me feel like crap though, haha. You and me both for Sunday morning! Anyway, I know you will do great--You are just so fun! I am so glad that we are getting to know eachother better!!

Christina said...

Great goals, Bonnie. There are definitely some things on here that I need to work on. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Cami said...

Happy belated birthday! I am not thrilled with the fact that you are younger than me, but whatever! :) So good of you to make goals for yourself! What a great idea! I hope you can achieve them and then next year you can brag about them!

Rochelle said...

Happy Birthday, like a week ago!