Sunday, November 4, 2007

Boys will be Boys.....

Today, Kaleb and Garet had a friend over. Being the rambunctious boys that they are, they decided to show their friend Duck's inability to fly. Garet 'only threw her up once.' Kaleb 'threw her up only five times.' It remains unknown how many times our visitor may have chucked her up in the air. ...Needless to say, Duck is no longer with us. ....The boys are grounded indefinitely. Chicken now finds solace at Brother Brewer's house with his two chickens. We are farmer's no more....


Autumn said...

I am so traumatized by this story! I swear I am going to have nightmares! in peace Duck!

Bonnie said...

Who knew being a farmer would end up being so traumatic!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!

tanya.... said...

Poor Duck!!! We will miss you!!

Corey said...

Hey farmers don't just give up after the first case of animal abuse! Jacci told me this story and I have been laughing about it since. Let the kids out of prison, I am sure they are traumitized by getting their farm taken away.

Bonnie said...

Corey- Zip IT!!!! We might have Animal Control out here on us if we keep pretending to be farmers. All mass murderers start off somewhere, we don't want to encourage them. No more killing under my roof!!! Besides, Jeff wants to get goats next, and I will hold you personally responsible if I have to live thru goats.