Wednesday, April 9, 2008

From the Mouth of Experts:

May 2008 Reader's Digest "Ask Laskas" Column:

Q: My husband is a world-class procrastinator. If I ask him to do something around the house, he delays so long, he forgets about it. He doesn't take any responsibility for the bills or the kids; everything is left up to me. If I get upset, he says I'm just overreacting. If I try to explain to him how important it is to me that he complete a certain project, I'm nagging. What can I do to get him to move?
More Than Half My Share

A: Dear More,
So Mr. Lazy has tuned you out. And your nag routine is going nowhere. This problem is much bigger than a division of labor. His passive-aggressive act is a way of saying "I'm sick of you, sweetheart." Any nagging on your part is communicating the same. Having translated, I must now recommend professional intervention. To resuscitate this relationship, get some counselling. You two need to speak the same language.



Autumn said...

I just fell off my chair laughing!!!!!!

Bonnie said...