Thursday, April 24, 2008

"Child of MINE"

You know how you see some of your least positive traits in your children?? Well, I remember when I was little, my mom punished me by sending me to bed without dinner and a bath. I remember that I carried on for hours (or at least what seemed like it to all involved) because I "couldn't" go to bed dirty. I think my mom finally gave in and let me bathe because she hoped to get some peace for the night.Well, this is Maddie today. I was in a hurry to leave to pick up the boys from pre-school and didn't want to waste the time to find both of her shoes. We only had one pink crock for our trip. What a nightmare!! She cried the whole ten minutes there and back about her "shoe-sies." I even tried giving her my flip-flops to make her happy!! I fear there is worse to come....


Jacci said...

oh man!!! what a silly girl!! she loves those pink shoes! they were so cute!

Rochelle said...

Welcome to raising a girl!

Autumn said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!! She cracks me up! I love that BEAST of a child!! I can just see you giving her your flip flops to make her happy and her throwing them back at you! Gonna laugh all night about this!