Saturday, November 10, 2007

Princess Maddison

This week on Grey's Anatomy, there was a touching story about a little family where the mother died and the father didn't know if he wanted to keep their newly adopted baby. Merideth asked the dad to think of five things that no one else would know about this little baby (he claimed to know nothing about taking care of her). He eventually could come up with six and decided to keep the baby. Well...., this got me thinking about my little princess, and I thought I'd share some cute stories about her that many of you may not know:

1. On Wednesday, we went to the DMV to renew my driver's license. When they called my number to go to the window. Maddie blew kisses to everyone since she was leaving.

2. Two weeks ago, Maddie wore her first pair of pantyhose for the fall season. They lasted twenty minutes into Sacrament meeting. She tried to pull them off (she hates socks!) and ripped holes in the toes of both feet. We are trying thick stockings this Sunday.

3. She has to have a blanket to fall asleep. She rubs the edges together as she sucks her thumb. When we went to Park City this summer, I forgot a blanket and had to resort to giving her a changing pad so she could fall asleep.

4. She loves to dance. She will dance to anything that has a beat....even the washing machine.

5. She is dramatic. When she throws a tantrum, she throws her arms up into the air and throws herself onto the floor. It is really humorous, she doesn't make a sound as she concentrates on the drama!

6. Gizmo is her best playmate. She fights with him over anything new....even if it is his bone.

7. She loves to go places. She cries anytime anyone leaves our house.

8. She thinks that every animal growls.

9. Aunt Autumn is her "Second Mommy" and will make her happy over anyone else when Mommy #1 is unavailable.

10. She is starting to talk now. It is so fun to hear her repeat things that we say!

11. She was our late bloomer. She was content to lay on her back and play with toys until she was nine and a half months old. She finally walked around fifteen months. (Not that we are complaining in any way!!)

12. She refuses to drink milk out of a sippy cup.

13. She loves to put this hideous bright orange baseball cap on her head anytime she can find it.

14. She is such a girl... She loves purses, necklaces, and shoes. I can usually get her to come to me when I tell her we are going to put on "pretty clothes."

15. She is really affectionate. She loves to be hugged and kissed and give them in return.

Thanks for letting me indulge a little. I think I just want to cherish these memories since she is my caboose!! I love my sweet little girl!


Autumn said...

I love our little princess!!! This is a great picture of her! You forgot to mention how much she loves her Diet Coke and her treats!! :)

Rochelle said...

That was a cute list. I love the DMV story it made me laugh. Now onto the 100 about you!