Thursday, November 15, 2007

Okay, here's the last 75.....

Someone (Autumn) keeps bugging me to finish this. So, here goes:

26. I was a tom boy when I was younger. I got suspended off of the school bus two different times in elementary school for fighting with a boy.
27. My dad's nickname for me was 'garbage gut.'
28. I have three sisters. I am the second. Everyone always thought I was the oldest.
29. My dad died when I was 11. He committed suicide.
30. My mom has never been proud of me.
31. I have naturally curly hair.
32. I broke my wrist when I was 9. I told my mom that I fell off of the top of the swing set. I fell off of a horse jumping fences while my mom was at work. I finally came clean the night before I went thru the temple.
33. I am a perfectionist. I will not leave something alone until it is perfect. I took my acrylic nails off three weeks ago and I am trying to let them grow out. I can't stop chewing them because the edges are ragged and not perfect. Today, I went to Walmart and got the $3 glue-on nails. Superglue is going to be my best friend for a while.
34. I hate it when people act like they are victims.
35. I believe Heavenly Father has a sense of humor. I hope I make him chuckle every now and then.
36. I think 'elective surgeries' are the best things as long as you don't think it will change who you are.
37. I have ribs that tilt outwards at the bottom....hence one of the reasons I love 'elective surgeries.'
38. When I was younger, I never dreamed of being a mother. I did not want to have children.
39. I have never been 'baby hungry.' Heavenly Father makes me feel real guilty and then I finally give in.
40. I have tooted out loud in yoga class and then whispered "Excuse me."
41. I like to make people laugh. Sometimes this world can really suck without a little humor.
42. I have a tattoo. I was the instigator when we went on a Mother's Day trip to Vegas this year. Jeff did not talk to me for two days when he found out.
43. Back to #40, I tooted in front of Great Grandpa Fred and most of the Halliday clan when I was pregnant. I was so embarrassed that I started crying.
44. I like to sing. When I get tired, I have been known to serenade.
45. I hate to workout, but I love the way my body looks when I am in shape. I have some really obese genes that I am constantly fighting.
46. My theme song is "I'm A Bitch." Sorry if it offends any of you. It is on my blog now.
47. After my father died, our home was disgusting. Any time we turned on a light, cockroaches would scatter.
48. I hate snakes. My mom got fascinated with them when I was a teenager. She thought that she could "raise" them. She had 3 boa constrictors--one that was six feet long. She started breeding her own rats to feed them. They lived in our enclosed sun porch. Every now and then a rat or two would escape, but we could not see them for the clutter. When we packed to move to AZ, one of my mom's snakes had been missing for a little while (she did not tell me because she knew I would flip out). We found it dead on the sun porch engorged with rats that it had caught.
49. I have lived in a house that has had calves, kids(baby goats), puppies, and kittens all living in it at one time or another.
50. I have lived without power, phone, and running water because the bills were not paid.
51. I do not like to be close to birds. When I was little, I got chased by a mean goose. I think birds are beautiful from a distance, but I have anxiety if they get too close to me.
52. My favorite church calling of all time thus far has been as Primary President. I never thought I would grow to love it....but, something happens when you teach such sweet spirits the principles of the gospel.
53. I cried when each of my children were born. We are so lucky to get just a glimpse of how Heavenly Father feels about each of us.
54. I was born in Columbia, South Carolina.
55. When I was 3, I went out onto our porch and the door slammed and knocked the light fixture off of the ceiling. It cut my left arm's muscle so severely that the doctor never thought I would have full use of it. It also cut my eyebrow, lips, and forehead. I had to have a blood transfusion because I lost so much blood. Right after it happened, I went and found my Aunt Dixie(who was living with us at the time). She passed out when she saw me. Then I went to find my mom to tell her that "something was wrong with Dixie. She died." I have full use of my left arm. I just have quite a few pretty ugly scars. I used to be really self conscious about them.
56. My favorite color is red.....all of the personality tests always categorize me as red??
57. I only have a couple really good friends. Doing this list makes me feel naked.
58. I love bathroom humor. It will crack me up every time. If Jeff slips the word 'dookie' in while we are arguing, I will always laugh.
59. I love getting pedicures. It is the one luxury I can't give up regardless of how many bills I have.
60. I sleep with my mouth open because I am paranoid about snoring.
61. I love my pug Gizmo. I have always been an animal lover.
62. Emmy is my second 'baby.'
63. I love watching my kids grow up. I just hope they grow up as well-rounded as possible and that they never go without the necessities.
64. I am sarcastic.
65. I have to take Beano when I eat a blooming onion at Outback Steakhouse or else we can not get home fast enough.
66. I get food poisoning every time I eat at a buffet style restaurant.
67. I like to work on my yard. I like how perfect it looks after it has been worked on.
68. I am a clean freak but I hate to dust. I will faithfully clean bathrooms every week, but I put off dusting until about every other week.
69. I am terrified of road rage. When Kaleb was an infant, I was run off of the road by a psycho.
70. I love to read.
71. I am always hot....and I hate being hot.
72. I probably use more Secret than anyone else. I am paranoid about body odor.
73. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
74. My favorite song is "Only Hope" by Mandy Moore. I love it!!
75. I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. I have been offended several times by others, but I can never deny my I keep going back.
76. I am far from perfect.
77. I say bad words at my husband when he makes me really mad. I have never cursed in front of my children.
78. I have no desire to do genealogy right now.....there is so much....and it is overwhelming to me.
79. I think having my little girl has made me more sensitive.
80. I am like a mother bear....I will kill if someone hurts my children.
81. I'm a complainer....I wonder where Garet gets it from??
82. I can see some of my best and worst traits in each of my children.
83. I was nicknamed "horse" in junior high school. I had huge gaps in the front of my mouth. Kids can be so mean!! Kaleb has the same dilemma now. He will be getting braces in January.
84. I am fanatical about teeth. It is the first thing I notice when I meet someone.
85. My biggest fear is dying before my children grow up.
86. My side of the family lives in Arizona still. We never see them unless we go down to them. My mom has never met Maddie.
87. I have learned the greatest of life's lessons from bad examples.
88. I often say what I think because I think it needs to be said.
89. I hate clutter. I do a D.I. run every month. Out with the old, in with the new.
90. I hate to waste food. I always think of the starving Ethiopian children when I throw out food.
91. I think honesty is the biggest asset in a friend. I strive to be as honest as I can.
92. I love to eat dessert. I will skip meals and only eat dessert when it is something I really like.
93. I am a closet biker chick. I love tattoos and piercings(only in the ears and belly button). I would have dozens of little tattoos all over if the prophet hadn't told us not to.
94. I still wish I could wear more than one pair of earrings at a time.
95. I once ruined Thanksgiving by forgetting the gravy.
96. "Grey's Anatomy" is my favorite T.V. show. I am trying to finish this so I can go watch it!!
97. I have never smoked or tried drugs. I wanted to try to smoke once just to see if I could do it without coughing, but I resisted.
98. The sight of blood makes me queasy. I have always had to sit with my head between my legs after my children have gotten stitches or staples.
99. I love text messaging. It makes me happy when my phone beeps when I get one!!
100. I like to play blackjack, but I am really nervous to lose money. I once stayed out all night to win back all of the money Jeff and I lost on a trip to Wendover.

Phew!! That gets kind of hard! K, I am buck naked to the world now!


Autumn said...

To "my person":
I am laughing so hard right now! This was so good! You have had a crazy life and I'm so glad you can see the humor in it! I'm proud of you for putting yourself out there for all to see! :)
p.s. I think your arm scar makes it look like you have a huge tricep muscle! I have often been jealous of this! :) xoxo

tanya.... said...

This is so sweet! I loved reading it and thanks for sharing. I am working on mine but I don't know if I can do it!!

Rochelle said...

AWWW! That was the best list. I loved it and learned so much about you. Somethings I knew but not many. I love your tooting stories any how much your humor shines through in this list.

Aundrea said...

K- you don't know me, but I grew up in Blanding, so I know Jeff's family. I liked reading you list:) So, do you know someone named Don Jackson, from Clay Springs? He was in our first ward after we moved to Oregon...small world! Sometimes, I'm a lurker on your site from Autumn's I hope you don't mind:)

Bonnie said...

I do know Don. Did he play football for college, I think?? I graduated with his sister Heidi. Come visit my blog anytime. I'll have to check out your's!