Sunday, May 25, 2008

All in a Sunday afternoon...

Today, within ten minutes from actually being inside the door from Church, Maddie either tripped on her dress or slipped because of her hose....
All I heard was the "CRACK!" of her head hitting something solid. I went running to find her. I think she hit the corner post to our stairs...they have been the culprit of many injuries unfortunately. She had blood streaming down her face. I knew we needed stitches right away, but had a slight problem....Jeff is the assistant clerk in our Ward, so he was back at the church with our car and the keys to his truck. So, I had to call a friend in the Ward and ask for the Bishop's office number. She heard Maddie screaming and told me that she was getting back in her car right then to go back and get Jeff. (Thanks Christina!!)
Jeff, as is custom for him, made a comment to the Bishopric saying that I was probably over-reacting....When he saw Maddie, he still thought we might be able to get away with just putting some butterfly bandages on it. YEAH, RIGHT!! Has he not met his daughter?? We hopped in the car and headed to the emergency room.
They put a sponge on her head with some numbing medicine so the numbing shots would not hurt as much, which she promptly ripped right off. (They wound up taping it on.) After two hours at the ER, some serious screaming being tied to the "papoose board":And eight stitches, with a layer of dissolving stitches underneath because it was so deep.....we are back home.
As long as the Motrin is in her system, she's as happy as can be. She probably has a killer headache!!
Oh, and as we are walking out of the hospital, Jeff says: "Okay, so maybe she really needed stitches."


tanya.... said...

So sad poor Maddie! Hope you get feeling better soon!

Autumn said...

That is just like her! Poor little princess! I'm real sorry I missed this one!

Heats said...

Oh my heck! That is so sad. I can't imagine how you felt her all tied up. UGH! Hope she gets better fast!

Rochelle said...

Jeff looks like the grinch in that picture with her. He can propbably hear you saying "I told you it was bad!" ;0)